Exactly in a sentence as an adverb

The comments thus far show exactly what is wrong with HN.

Actually that's exactly what I thought when I saw the list yesterday.

Spend your free time doing exactly 3 things 1. working on a side project 2. spending time with your girlfriend.

But when the next hot platform or architecture or whatever comes out you get tired of running in exactly the same place.

Naming and shaming Carmen M. Ortiz for destroying the life of a young man is exactly what is necessary.

As PG's wife, I think I am the only person who knows exactly how much time, energy and thought he devoted to Hacker News.

When entering the country, the passport clerk has exactly two options: let me in, or call the police and get me arrested on the spot.

Example [5]: [Newsweek:] What exactly would constitute a medical claim?

Likewise, humans don't perceive colors exactly and that might add another layer that would diminish people comparing themselves so much and trying to score points.

Should he know of and contribute to every one of the many groups and organizations involved in gender equality?And what exactly is wrong with the "I have black friends" defense?

Nothing in computing is worse than software that knows exactly what you want it to do, then gives some shitdick excuse as to why it's not going to do it in an effort to get you to jump through meaningless hoops.

It's just more and more layers of abstraction and you start to see the nth demo of WebGL maxing out a 4 core modern GPU system doing exactly what you did 20 years ago with a single 32-bit core, 1/5th the transistor count and all in software.

Without fully understanding exactly what they are doing, however, it sounds highly abusive of the Mail app's rendering capabilities, and points to exploitable paths within the Mail app that probably need to be tightened up by Apple.

][edit: It also occurred to me to verify the other direction: in fact, if you go to send a message, first the client sends something to the developer's server, which then returns a packet which, along with again the exactly 7 extra bytes, is sent to Apple's server.

[edit: The more I stare at this, the more confident I am in this analysis; specifically, the packets that are "about" and "almost exactly" the same size are very deterministic: the packets to/from Apple are precisely 7 bytes larger than the corresponding packets to/from the Chinese server.

Oh, that's in there too... they ship a 'configuration profile' which adds a new email account, so your password is leaving the device in cleartext and being used to create the profile server-side which is then shipped back to the phone and installed, how exactly?This just gets worse and worse if I understand correctly... I'm surprised that configuration profiles can be shipped to an arbitrary device from a third party this way without the user manually installing LinkedIn's certificate as trusted.

Exactly definitions


indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"

See also: precisely just


just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,' he said"

See also: precisely


in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"

See also: precisely incisively