Precisely in a sentence as an adverb

Pending comments are now per thread, or more precisely per item tree, rather than sitewide.

He's not saying that utilization will go up to 96% precisely, or that there will be 20x fewer cars.

I get that's expensive to deliver all those bytes to my home, but that's what precisely what I'm paying for.

In that respect, to me RMS seems most valuable to us for precisely the reasons others call him a crackpot.

But the action stands out as so bizarre precisely because it is so out of step with the tech impetus that rules our day.

Well, that is precisely how those who sought to impose thought control in other eras rationalized their conduct.

That in turn means you need to negotiate the issue of price precisely when you are at your weakest as a founder trying to build value.

Secrecy in law enforcement is contagious precisely because it makes things so much easier.

Pretty amazing that this is precisely what Microsoft paid for Hotmail in 1998 : $400 million for 10 million users = $40 / User.

On the contrary, it stands squarely within the traditions of those laws and is a good example of precisely how such laws have been implemented for many decades.

His word choices are not hate speech or discriminatory so the fact that they may offend your sensibilities has precisely zero relevance to anything.

Fundamentally, Oracle had been arguing that the SSO of its 37 API packages reflected creative expression of precisely the type that the Copyright Act was intended to protect.

Of course, such cases are not billed hourly precisely because the whole point of a class action is to allow the courts to aggregate a bunch of little claims to allow for a practical remedy for cases that would not be economically worthwhile to pursue separately.

Now this doesn't mean you have to become a mindless lump, barely moving from the couch and uninterested in even the slightest change; but it's a suggestion that perhaps learning to be happy with what you have, where you are, and with what interests you, is, in the long run, precisely what will make you happy.

[edit: The more I stare at this, the more confident I am in this analysis; specifically, the packets that are "about" and "almost exactly" the same size are very deterministic: the packets to/from Apple are precisely 7 bytes larger than the corresponding packets to/from the Chinese server.

Much of the "distraction" that founders face in raising money exists precisely because a typical equity round can be a complex process and, apart from needing to sell the economic proposition behind their venture, founders must also make sure that any funds they do take in are taken on reasonable terms.

Indeed, a key aspect of copyright is precisely to encourage people to create - to invest the very blood and sweat that it often takes to do something great - in order that society generally will be enhanced and improved as creative works are done, are made available to the world as the creator may decide, and eventually pass into the public domain.

Precisely definitions


indicating exactness or preciseness; "he was doing precisely (or exactly) what she had told him to do"; "it was just as he said--the jewel was gone"; "it has just enough salt"

See also: exactly just


in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"

See also: incisively exactly


just as it should be; "`Precisely, my lord,' he said"

See also: exactly