Geophysics in a sentence as a noun

I worked in the airborne geophysics business before this.

It also has broad applications, all the way from protein folding to high pressure geophysics.

OCW has a course on geophysics and a course on signal processing -- both are "practical applications" but I don't know if that's what you have in mind.

It was for a geophysics group, which probably made it a little more discoverable/easily spellable.

While a trowel is still mandatory, the use of geophysics technology has advanced and assisted in fieldwork in so many ways.

" A couple examples are oil companies doing immense amounts of geophysics simulations, and bioinformatics laboratories in universities doing comparative genomics; we'll be posting a guest blog entry in the next week on successfully reducing the time of sequence alignment from 20-25 hours to less than an hour.

Proper Noun Examples for Geophysics

For the geophysics methods or for the TBM?Geophysics methods give a measure of density based on wave reflection/refraction and are therefore at the mercy of energy absorption of a given material.

Geophysics definitions


geology that uses physical principles to study properties of the earth