Incisively in a sentence as an adverb

Bootstrap, jQuery, React, Vue, etc can all be sloppy, or they can be used incisively.

I'm not sure if they're the most approachable for lay people, but they are incisively clear.

And I think no one thinks more deeply or incisively about these issues than Zeynep Tufekci.

If Apple needs to relax privacy to help its bottom line, it will, as this example so incisively demonstrates.

They have good writers on staff but I have found that more incisively factual coverage of major stories can always be found in The Washington Post.

Even through today's food allergy induced haze, her words cut incisively to thoughts and feeling I suspect many of us harbor regarding "gamification".

The Philosophical Investigations is crucial is you want to think seriously about how language works, and to use it. Marcuse on the other hand offers what Orwell so incisively called a "smelly little ideology".

If we are about intimidating the free\n speech of others, we are no better than the anti-gay bullies\n who came before us.\n\nWell said and incisively reasoned, Andrew Sullivan.

Incisively definitions


in an incisive manner; "he was incisively critical"


in a precise manner; "she always expressed herself precisely"

See also: precisely exactly