Evening in a sentence as a noun

I know I can't catch up in the evening so I have to make every day count.

He's planned to have sex with the cashmere girl every evening, but not made it.

He gave me some money that day and that evening he passed away peacefully in his sleep.

No one wants to spend their evening working on a patch to have it rejected and shot down -- that's not fun.

I gave him the results the next day late in the evening and he thanked me and drove off into the sunset.

"Schneier told The Register this evening of his departure: "This has nothing to do with the NSA.

I held one of these guys on the line for 1 hour 20 minutes one evening, then told him my phone was dying and that I'd need to call him back.

Marketplace will feature a shorter version of Schmitz's report earlier in the evening.

They were leaps and bounds above any other bank in everything from their down-home attitude to their evening and weekend hours.

Even the locals will not venture out in the evening unaccompanied by the opposite sex. Sexual violence and molestation is a daily affair.

For the rest of my time, people would bring me trivially broken electronics and I would retire for the evening to make it out like I was doing something difficult, then return the fixed item the next day.

I see plenty of insightful comments here but no one acknowledging the conclusion.>Its funny because the evening started out with a lady giving a speech about how the IT industry is alienating women.

The general public has no idea how much of their "news" is actually just corporate created "infomercials" I don't even mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist- but it is truly shocking when as an intern I would write press releases and then later that night hear my exact words said on the evening news.

Evening definitions


the latter part of the day (the period of decreasing daylight from late afternoon until nightfall); "he enjoyed the evening light across the lake"

See also: even eventide


a later concluding time period; "it was the evening of the Roman Empire"


the early part of night (from dinner until bedtime) spent in a special way; "an evening at the opera"