Equate in a sentence as a verb

Since when does "not taking loans out for **** you can't afford" equate to cheap?

Can you really equate selecting where to have lunch with whom to wed?

Others use sleight of hand to equate 99 cent single downloads with album sales.

Hence it is ignored, or even gamed upon for short term metric gain.\nThis is true for all corps that equate success with short cycle data driven metrics.

These examples to not make statements about where that limit is, nor do these examples serve to equate any of the governments' actions.

Too often, and I'm not saying it's necessarily the case with Zach, people equate cussing with being edgy or controversial.

He is a classic representation of how one's presentation doesn't equate to one's contribution.

Because so many real-world problems can be translated into math, there is a temptation to equate "math" with "any problem that can be expressed in math".

The cloud environment is a very small part of the entire Linux ecosystem and doesn't equate at _all_ with the high end "enterprise/hpc" industry.

Yes, if you believe that you can reduce any use of a word down to its most abstract concept giving you the ability to equate anything to anything else.

It is a logical fallacy to equate the statement "I believe the rich should be obligated to pay more in taxes" to "I believe I alone should pay more in taxes.

"Personally I also equate American Republicans with fascists, whom spout rhetoric about patriotism and some measure of ethnocentrism.

Equate definitions


consider or describe as similar, equal, or analogous; "We can compare the Han dynasty to the Romans"; "You cannot equate success in financial matters with greed"

See also: compare liken


be equivalent or parallel, in mathematics

See also: correspond


make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors"

See also: equal match equalize equalise