Sleight in a sentence as a noun

There's a bit of sleight of hand on their Thunderbolt Display page [1].

This has been used as a sleight against Boston, but I don't mean it that way.

" It doesn't diminishes the act and it's clearly a PR sleight of hand.

Note the rhetorical sleight of hand in this op-ed piece.

Others use sleight of hand to equate 99 cent single downloads with album sales.

Magicians do the sleight of hand right in front of a crowd of people, in plain sight, but nobody notices.

"Magicians do the sleight of hand right in front of a crowd of people, in plain sight, but nobody notices.

It could just be bad writing, but Amazon's point about elasticity reads like a sleight-of-hand trick to me.

This article embodies a sleight of hand: it assumes that the jobs the companies want to hire immigrants to fill are the same ones they've laid people off from.

This suggestion that it's all one thing or the other is an intellectual sleight-of-hand that I see a lot on HN - a classic false dilemma.

It's like he flings a bunch of factual snippets at the reader and then quickly segues into his conclusion like a magician performing sleight of hand.

There's a bit of sleight of hand going on here, in that it seems to be a Mastercard prepaid card in the phone which just charges your transactions to other cards you have on file with Google.

You've haven't seen the true depths of human depravity until you see two grown men try to **** each other because one wanted to watch a different soap opera or sought revenge for some supposed sleight.

Some sleight of hand there- they try and play down the government debt because it's low, but omitted the fact that 4 years ago it used to be zero and now is growing faster than Ireland did before it went bust.

Play with two bar magnets for twenty minutes on a quiet day [1], try to twist a spinning bicycle wheel [2], or, if you're pressed for time, just hold a thing at least six inches away from everything else and let go [3].No strings, no wires, no-one behind a curtain nor sleight of hand, but it's still magic, and it happens [4].

This paragraph from the article represents all that I feel about the rise of anti-marketing marketing, but couldn't articulate:> It’s a counterintuitive sleight of hand: By acknowledging that their central message is unbelievable or at least exaggerated, the branding masterminds gain our trust and bolster our faith in the brand.

Sleight definitions


adroitness in using the hands

See also: dexterity