Equalise in a sentence as a verb

I cannot help but think that guns would equalise this situation.

When you equalise the storage, the price differential is about $200.

Wikipedia says the weighting is to 'equalise their meanings', but it's not clear to me what that means.

It's as though there is a social pressure to equalise the distribution of resources.

It's highly likely that increased IPR protections will work against "grey imports" that would otherwise equalise prices.

If the exchange allows international traders then the price will equalise with the rest of the world due to arbitrage.

That's normal, and that's why anti-trust laws are draconian - something is needed to equalise the odds

Ohsfeldt and Schneider did not 'remove fatal injuries from life expectancy data', they used a regression analysis to adjust life expectancy values to equalise the number of fatal injuries.

" Split windows/multiple files " use +s to split the current window nmap s " use +j/+k to move up/down through split windows nmap j nmap k " use +-/+= to maximise/equalise the size of split windows nmap _ nmap = " use +h/+l to move back/forth through files: nmap :next nmap :prev Note these use the same 'hjkl' navigation keys.

Equalise definitions


compensate; make the score equal

See also: equalize


make equal, uniform, corresponding, or matching; "let's equalize the duties among all employees in this office"; "The company matched the discount policy of its competitors"

See also: equal match equalize equate