Enumeration in a sentence as a noun

People don't evade port enumeration to hide from attackers, they evade it to hide from auditors.

Look these silly free social sites do it, so it must be ok. Anyone know if BofA or WellsFargo allow user enumeration?

"You’ll find that user enumeration is possible on Facebook, Google, Dropbox, and nearly every other major internet site.

Any consultant that told a client to "start over from scratch" after finding little more than open redirects and username enumeration† would be laughed out of the room.

Instead, the different enumeration members are fully-fledged values in their own right, with an explicitly-defined type of CompassPoint.+100 for that.

You conveniently left out their next sentence \n"... many leading payment services allow user enumeration, including Paypal, Venmo, Square Cash, and many others..."

comes the enumeration of the 100 programming languages I know, each one pronounced in 10 different ways, Brazilian accent, etc.>Even "Java" didn't seem to mean anything to them.

It is not my experience that financial services companies are substantially better than startups on cosmetic security issues like username enumeration.

When the stock splits, do they get an enumeration of their shareholders that they might not otherwise have?Anybody been involved in a stock split that can explain what the behind the scenes reasons totally not related to the "stock is cheaper so more people can buy it" excuse is?

Apparent Coinbase response there:\n"This stance is not unusual on the web: you'll find that user enumeration is possible on Facebook, Google, and nearly every other major internet site"Um, no. If that is what Coinbase believes, I just lost respect for their claims of security.

Enumeration definitions


a numbered list

See also: numbering


the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order; "the counting continued for several hours"

See also: count counting numeration reckoning tally