Numbering in a sentence as a noun

Maybe people are looking wrong at Chrome version numbering.

So we just went to 9366 and so we had 999-366 days to sort out a better version numbering system.

People have taken to numbering the streets, but those numbers aren't written on the street signs.

Blame Google for that one - Chrome started the crazy-fast browser version numbering that's now in vogue.

Don't let the page numbering ruin these books for you as the contents will provide you enjoyment for the rest of your life.

These genes are very numerous, numbering perhaps in the thousands, with each one exerting only a small effect.

Just to explain this a bit, it has to do with relative growth/shrinkage and the base of the positional-numbering system you're using.

Remember it's a sequential numbering system, so that's the number of tickets since the beginning of time, not currently open tickets.

Word beats your documents up constantly: splitting paragraphs, applying random styles, auto-numbering lists like a toddler with a calculator, positioning figures anywhere but where you want them, and so on forever.

Numbering definitions


a numbered list

See also: enumeration