Counting in a sentence as a noun

He lived 2 years with his cancer, which is a lot when you are counting days.

So, basically, you're just counting on Google doing what's "right".

It outperforms servers costing twice as much in EC2 - and thats not counting bandwidth or storage.

Three in my immediate family and counting, the countdown very fast for one of them.

The other day I met a guy who belonged to the MIT card-counting team portrayed in the book Bringing Down the House.

Shortly before Linus wrote this article in 2002, I wrote an XML-RPC library in C that used reference counting.

If you use reference counting, then there is a lazy variant that gives you just that; no pauses due to reclaiming free memory.

Even if they are not insolvent the chain of events that would have to take place to result in this counting as taxable income is highly unlikely.

By counting customer acquisition as an extraordinary expense they are implying that:1.

This reminds me of an anecdote from Feynman about what sorts of mental things he could and could not do while counting seconds, and how it was different for different people.

And that's without counting the complete lack of interest in prosecuting bankers and other corporations that are very friendly to the government.

Also not counting documentaries like "Restrepo".I hereby dispute the idea that the DOD has made it impossible for big-budget Hollywood movies to criticize the US military, and suggest instead that the bias Hollywood in favor of the military is responding to customer preferences and not leading it.

Counting definitions


the act of counting; reciting numbers in ascending order; "the counting continued for several hours"

See also: count numeration enumeration reckoning tally