Embroider in a sentence as a verb

Does this tool work with some embroidery machine?

Teach them to knit or embroider in their downtime, problem solved.

I don't think they embroider, but that looks dumb anyways :P. Just get a slick design made, and have them do it.

Or if he would embroider as a hobby or decided to be kindergarten teacher.

I like to put loops in my towels so they hang better on hooks and to embroider my initials on cloth items I might lose.

His vestments were of exceptional taste and quality - it was his mother who made them; she knew how to sew and embroider, and where to get the proper brocade from.

In other words, can we think of "shareable" designs that people can exchange and embroider their own clothes from a local machine, only by using Inkscape?

My favorite things to embroider are fractals and flowers, fractals because you can keep your place without a pattern handy and flowers because you can freehand them easily.

They built a reputation based on a set of corporate values that are not necessarily aligned with those companies that embroider their logo in those vests.

This is an example of a page that begins talking about sewing and embroidery, and eventually becomes about typography.

If Wikipedia was linuxdistropedia then no-one would think it was odd that it was focused on obscure distros and didn't care for articles about embroidery or the history of Islamic jurisprudence.

For the embroidery template converter thingie he wrote for his wife?Linus used C for all of those, but was it because C was technically the best choice in each case, or because it was good enough to get the job done and because it's the language he's most comfortable with?

On my part, I can't see I disagree a lot with the idea that publicly traded joint-stock companies do well to attend to the needs of customers, to build long-term value, but the author seems to embroider that claim with a lot of hysteria about the future of capitalism.

According to the article He had a "preternatural ability to connect dots where nobody saw dots at all", and “he was in constant motion, always wanting to see, taste, and try everything, from studying how his father played card games to learning to sew and embroider with the maids.

An offline analogy might be "I didn't want to stand out in a crowd, so I had a friend carefully embroider a custom mask that was thoroughly different in every respect from my normal appearance, and I started wearing randomly-chosen items of clothing bought at thrift shops every day".

"The field of television is littered with the desiccated husks of eager artists of all stripes - from writers to casting directors, production designers, actors, scenic painters, set builders, and the people who embroider the backs of the chairs - who, in the name of their own honor and work ethic, wore themselves out on the wheel of "I'll know it when I see it"... and the high castles surrounding those fields are occupied by fat, bloated barons who sit on their comfy thrones wondering with great self pity why they can't seem to hire a staff that just "gets it.

Embroider definitions


decorate with needlework

See also: broider


add details to

See also: lard embellish aggrandize aggrandise dramatize dramatise