Dramatize in a sentence as a verb

It seeks so to dramatize the issue that it can no longer be ignored.

But do not dramatize or glorify any of this stuff.

Build web technology that doesn't need an artifice on top of it to dramatize itself.

I really dislike these kinds of posts that try to dramatize things with statements like Uber "has no customer service.

Mozilla needs to do something to de-dramatize what some people see as version inflation.

I see your point though, they would not deserve credit for our failure to stand up to an internal threat, so consider it poetic license to dramatize my point.

Back then she was very sensationalistic, and would go out of her way to artificially inflate or dramatize stories.

I don't think it's possible to over-dramatize a sovereign nation's cities and airports being occupied by its neighbor.

Yes, I was trying to dramatize a conflict of interest that was more relevant in this scenario, where the romance is not between a manager and his direct report.

>over dramatize it into something like the bogus Gasland documentaryGenerally, I feel the same as you.

I'm only surmising from the trailer, but it seems to take this very serious event and over dramatize it into something like the bogus Gasland documentary.

While the linked History Channel video appears to be partly reconstruction and partly stock footage manipulated to dramatize the situation, at least part of it appears to have been real footage as well.

But now as computers become more immersive, it's clearer and clearer that the idea of a computer advancing along an external story is becoming tougher to dramatize -- because life isn't external to the system like it was before.

Indeed, rather than over dramatize, the New Republic article limits in scope and fails to mention many other instances in which Mr. Bannon lied and misled; abused employees to the point of quitting; and put his own ego and interests ahead of those of his company, investors and customers.

Dramatize definitions


put into dramatic form; "adopt a book for a screenplay"

See also: dramatise adopt


represent something in a dramatic manner; "These events dramatize the lack of social responsibility among today's youth"

See also: dramatise


add details to

See also: embroider lard embellish aggrandize aggrandise dramatise