Lard in a sentence as a noun

Butter lard and salt are all perfectly fine.

So, I eat my vegetables sauteed in lard, bacon fat, or duck fat.

You can buy lard in every UK supermarket.

I have limited brain capacity and I don't want to lard it down with knowing that it's ssh -p but scp -P. If this can help with that, awesome.

After the first wave of outrage over things like ice cream in advertisements being made out of textured lard, or whatever.

You also can't beat a commercial-sized bucket of lard for caloric efficiency and cost.

Lard in a sentence as a verb

These are traditional winter foods here - salted lard would hold forever and sour pickles are a seasonal delight.

More calories doesn't translate straight into more energy or stamina, or athletes would just consume big blocks of lard.

To quote someone else, if you spend your life eating no butter, no lard, no salt; you're gonna feel like a damn fool lying on your hospital bed, dying from nothing.

McDonald's french fries were cooked in beef lard until the late 1980s, then they switched to vegetable oil under pressure from activists to be more "healthy.

Especially in Greece and southern Italy, it's the main cooking fat, since butter, lard, canola oil, sunflower-seed oil, etc. are not widely used.

The lard based pie crust was much more delicate -- the raw crust tore during handling!But the resulting pie was terrific, especially the crust!If can get some fresh cherries and lard, go for it!

Lard definitions


soft white semisolid fat obtained by rendering the fatty tissue of the hog


prepare or cook with lard; "lard meat"