Laudanum in a sentence as a noun

There is a reason laudanum was the drug of choice of the poorest segments of society.

"If I try something, and I feel better then I try more of it."Conclusion: laudanum for everything!

We had lots of laudanum addicts,Seems that there should be plenty of evidence on how workable legal ***** are from that period.

Supposedly in medieval times women even took laudanum to make their pupils wider.

We've been there before, opium, laudanum and heroin were available without prescription one time...

However, it's finally starting to happen.------"Mother, on the other hand, spends the whole movie like a fated southern belle hooked on laudanum, locked in her room.

It's ironic in fact that many of the American founders were prolific users of opium and laudanum.

A fascinating true item I learned from the novel was that Willkie Collins was addicted to laudanum and for many years hallucinated his doppelgänger whom he called ‘ghost Willkie’.

Are there any statistics on ******* and opiod overdoses from the later 19th and early 20th centuries, when there were essentially no regulations on the substances and you could buy laudanum and patent medicines at your corner druggist?

Laudanum definitions


narcotic consisting of an alcohol solution of opium or any preparation in which opium is the main ingredient