Drifting in a sentence as a noun

PG seems to be drifting into the dark side.

When you feel yourself mentally drifting on a hard task, put the code away and go work on easy features.

Attention assist -- it tracks my driving style and engagement and alerts me if I'm drifting off.

The power of a drifting mind can be used positively just as much as it can be used negatively.

And occasional random green lights drifting around the picture of a monitor on the screen?

As long as the beginners are drifting by, lemme say this:Every nib you use is a boatload of code you don't have to maintain.

I remember at one point drifting to a group of affiliates that were wearing more money than I bought my car for.

Drifting in a sentence as an adjective

You'll notice everything from drifting inputs to cheap buttons to just plain uncomfortable hand feel.

This is mere seconds after the explosion took place, with the smoke still drifting through the air. Already they've made it to the side of the most obvious casualty; I can't really see the basis for your comment.

And active lane keeping assist -- it applies that same tech to prevent me going left of center if it thinks I'm drifting and not doing it intentionally.

Maybe they're simply drifting into becoming another IBM: all enterprise stuff, nothing interesting but certainly money to be made.

In unrelated news, the EU forced persian TV channels off these transponders a few days ago, citing the "targeted" sanctions intended to prevent Iran from drifting further afield.

HN is very good in certain areas of technology and business, but has relatively few civil engineers, physicists, climate scientists, chemical engineers, astronomers, etc., so the comments on those kinds of stories end up drifting more into speculation.

If we don't ask the girl to the dance, or give up on an idea, or spend extra nights at the office to get a promotion instead of hanging out with our family we think that we are drifting off of our optimal course and we drive ourselves crazy wondering at every step if we are losing our way and strive to keep our future regrets to a minimum.

Drifting definitions


aimless wandering from place to place


continually changing especially as from one abode or occupation to another; "a drifting double-dealer"; "the floating population"; "vagrant hippies of the sixties"

See also: aimless floating vagabond vagrant