Disuse in a sentence as a noun

"I can not control my urge to disuse the device, so I'd better throw it away, lock it up etc.".

If the skills have atrophied through disuse I would conclude that they have found other ways to achieve the same goals.

It seems paint will fall into disuse in the future, and the color green will be forgotten entirely.

Nor are most compound words made up of simpler words or affixes such as mainland, snowman, simply, or even disuse.

Or the disuse of async disk I/O is due to the difficulty of its proper implementation.

If it were good enough then the other protocols would fall into disuse and eventual deprecation.

I've seen this done on a large scale with hotmail, where addresses automatically expire after a certain period of disuse.

It's a "psychological conundrum" because people in their 20s are able to discuss current events!Memories, no matter when they originate from, fade with disuse.

Just with the understanding among developers that any user activity within a specified margin would be ignored, either for lack of sensors or programed disuse.

* Using incoming connection proxies / load balancers to have a small number of external IPs, connections to which are handled by a large number of backend servers* Perhaps in the longer run, better usage of SRV records so that well-known ports fall into disuse, and server ports can be assigned by the administrator and then placed into the SRV record for that service, in effect making IPv4 addresses be 48 bits long.

I am old enough to remember as a kid how people perceived automobiles in, say, the late 1950s, and there is no doubt from my personal recollection that average people rejoiced and celebrated ever-increasing uses of the high-speed automobile, cheered on the National Highway Act by which old two-lane state roads were sent into relative disuse through the creation of a vast network of interstate freeways, and, as a matter of culture, broadly celebrated what was called the "car culture.

Disuse definitions


the state of something that has been unused and neglected; "the house was in a terrible state of neglect"

See also: neglect