Excrement in a sentence as a noun

This emphasis on "culture" is fatuous horse excrement.

Talk to British people about dog excrement, and there are people of a certain age who remember dog poo being white and furry.

Like excrement, it contains\n enough undigested nuggets of nutrition to sustain life for some.

Like excrement, it contains enough undigested nuggets of nutrition to sustain life for some.

There is human excrement everywhere, and serious crime issues.

It's as if you took a lot of very good food and some dog excrement and blended it all up so that you can't possibly figure out what's good or bad.

Its not uncommon to find open animal cadavers, excrement of all possible kind: cow, camel, pig, elephant you name it, in your day to day travel.

My academic background is the behavioral sciences, and using MLA will get you in deep dog excrement in most behavioral and social sciences.

They also drop so much excrement on the escalators in the city's train stations that they're sometimes rendered inoperable from the sheer volume of poo gumming up the works.

Without being too crass, you deposit your excrement onto a dry shelf, whereupon it may be inspected, or not, and then a rush of water slides it off the shelf to its destination.

I don't know about you, but I've never had to dodge human excrement in NYC, whereas it seems to be a semi-frequent occurrence here in the City.> "Eating fast food <$7 will quickly make you feel pretty unhealthy in NY.

The reporters used hidden cameras to record the atrocious conditions showing many sick and dead birds on excrement-covered floors that had obviously never been cleaned.

FTA:>Only dalits, the lowest Hindu caste, should be exposed to excrement in a closed space, “or city-dwellers who don’t have space to go in the open,” said Sunita, who uses one name, as she washed clothes next to the concrete latrine.

Labelling a food as "genetically modified" is the same to them as labelling it as "radioactive" or "contains excrement".I'm not sure if labelling food as genetically modified is a useful warning, or if it would be the same as saying "wifi used in this building".

Excrement definitions


waste matter (as urine or sweat but especially feces) discharged from the body

See also: excretion excreta