Eventual in a sentence as an adjective

They're going to use FaceBook's eventual video chat service or something Google offers.

There will be an eventual cap at 21 million bitcoins, so satoshis stash is somewhere between 9% to 4% of all bitcoins.

Even if the eventual vision is ambitious, don't tackle it head-on.

And I even managed to associate with women during my eventual CS degree!

The math isn't very relevant because there's a really large unknown: the eventual value of the company.

I've been saying it for a while now, I'm hopeful that we're going to see some very positive reforms in 2014 or 2015, as well as an eventual hero's welcome for Snowden.

It can be interpreted as very Forrest Gump to position ones self at the crux of so many eventual market successes when in reality that is not the case.

By adding variation, you should be able to capture more information from voters about the proper eventual location for a comment.

The first employee will not have a seat at the table -- literally or figuratively -- when the eventual disposition of the first employee's equity is decided.

The goal of these summaries is not to convey the full breadth of a startup's eventual ambitions, or even what they're currently doing, but just to help investors watching 65 presentations remember which company is doing what.

Macroeconomics can, via some stretching of the perfect-markets hypothesis, be transformed into this almost-Calvinist cosmology, where the virtuous labourers will be blessed with an eventual retirement, and the sinful free-loaders will be punished with the sin of contentment.

Eventual definitions


expected to follow in the indefinite future from causes already operating; "hope of eventual (or ultimate) rescue"; "if this trend continues it is not reasonable to expect the eventual collapse of the stock market"