Disband in a sentence as a verb

It's not like government will disband and people will look around and say "Ok, that didn't work.

?That's like saying "the fire department is sure doing a bad job putting out fires, we should just disband it"

It's not that they're not entitled to disband, it's that they make it seem like the community should be happy for them.

I'm always confused by this mentality people have that teams aren't entitled to disband, or at least they're not entitled to do it for money.

I have a sinking feeling that there is probably the same amount or money moving around in the "War on *****" as there is in the drug trade in the US. My question then is, "What happens if we try to manipulate or disband this system?

Amazon had a tendency to get a team together to do a feature, launch it, get the PR and the stock bump, then disband the team and put them on other projects.

We need to completely disband the TSA. Structural adjustments are not going to fix its scope creep, conflict of interest with the military industrial complex, and lack of competence.

Nothing in the quote he posted suggests it is necessary to disband the NSA, nothing suggests Americans should wish they lived in a country like Russia.

We need to disband the DEA, repeal the controlled substances act, pass a constitutional amendment that forbids all such prohibitions, and set up a regulatory framework.

So now that we know that the DEA is not merely a paramilitary force, but also a rogue intelligence agency that is in the business of lying to judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys, can we please disband them?

At the point where you're arguing about how to refer to the color of the hair on one of your "graphemes", may I humbly suggest that the goal of creating a complete global encoding scheme is apparently done and the committee ought to disband.

However, in a cartel situation where there's no threat of duopoly or oligopoly, there's more incentive to join the cartel than there is to attempt to disband the central monopoly that's essentially controlling the cartel.

And as an ex-amazonian sometimes I go and check for bugs that were issues back in the day- several of them have come back over the years, which is not surprising given that the entire group that was working on the parts I was working on disbanded because so many people were driven off by bad management.

Disband definitions


cause to break up or cease to function; "the principal disbanded the political student organization"


stop functioning or cohering as a unit; "The political wing of the party dissolved after much internal fighting"

See also: dissolve