Repeal in a sentence as a noun

"Well, what about repealing some?," you may ask. Well, what's the "game" when it comes to repealing them?

Say so openly, explain your case, and try to repeal the fourth amendment.

Witness what happened with the repeal of Prohibition.

" And nobody wants to be the guy who repeals it right before another attack happens.

There is a common misconception that wanting to repeal a law means you support whatever that law outlawed.

You wanna be the guy to repeal the broken sex offender registry laws and be perceived as on the side of rapists and pedophiles?

Often, repealing them would have the unacceptable adverse consequence of giving up that benifit.

Repeal in a sentence as a verb

We should be telling them that this misguided law is starting to intrude onto the choices that parents make when raising their children, and that it should be repealed immediately.

Yes, Congress could constitutionally act to repeal the implementing statutes.

Where is the justification that this is necessary to secure our happiness and freedom?If it is necessary to repeal parts of the constitution then we should have a frank, open and honest discussion about it.

But if the bulk of your legislative activity is doing things like voting to repeal Obamacare twenty-three times, as Rep. Justin Amash did in 2011-2012, then I would argue you are just politically pandering to your constituent base -- or worse, your campaign's financial donors -- and not governing.

-...and that's why i can't support candidates who want to repeal universal healthcare in the US, most of whom are Republicans, and ironically, in their opposition to reasonable universal healthcare are adopting a policy that is incredibly anti-small-business.

Take an extreme, free-market/libertarian form of healthcare policy -- repeal not just Obamacare, but things like the employer tax deduction for health insurance, requiring hospitals to provide life-saving care for anyone regardless of payment capability, etc -- I would vehemently disagree with that, but I would consider crafting and trying to pass such legislation an attempt to govern.

Repeal definitions


the act of abrogating; an official or legal cancellation

See also: abrogation annulment


cancel officially; "He revoked the ban on smoking"; "lift an embargo"; "vacate a death sentence"

See also: revoke annul lift countermand reverse overturn rescind vacate