Culprit in a sentence as a noun

Then not brushing your teeth is the culprit.

If it decides that the implant is the culprit, bad luck.

While you may be the "visible culprit" - I'd hardly say you're at fault.

Sugar is not the culprit behind all the diseases listed in the article.

We now know it isn't true and that the super-sugars we are being force-fed are the culprit.

All the places I would have thought to look were innocent, and the most innocuous thing in the world turned out to be the culprit.

A few years ago, I believed outsourcing was the main culprit removing the bottom rungs on the career ladder.

#1 culprit: a performance optimization called KeepAlive", "How many worker processes fit in 1 GB of RAM if each take ~20 MB on average?

It's not exactly purely an aspect of Western companies ignoring China or localizing property for China that is the culprit here.

Obesity isAnd sugar is culprit behind overeating and obesity.

They have 4 versions of a single game "Star Traders RPG".I wouldn't look at update frequency or an algo fluke as the culprit, but look how I could remedy this apparent repetition, both in game versions and game descriptions.

The FBI, however, continued to stand by its lab’s findings until Spanish authorities conclusively matched the print to the real culprit"Even if you are hardline nut and totally support the surveillance state it has to be frightening alarming that they were so dead set on harassing this one guy that they would have let the real culprit go free had the Spanish police not called them on their BS.

Culprit definitions


someone who perpetrates wrongdoing

See also: perpetrator