Perpetrator in a sentence as a noun

A "thoughtcrime" is a crime that is a crime because of the thoughts of the perpetrator.

******* is the one crime where the person is both victim and perpetrator.

See how Gorbzel makes it clear that the fault of the encounter lies on the victim, not the perpetrator.

Raymond is the original perpetrator of the "what is a hacker?

Judges insist on unmasking who the perpetrator was.

There is a video camera in your bathroom secretly recording you. If the perpetrator never stops by to pick up the tape, is a crime committed?

I appreciate this reporter for offering a more accurate picture of who these perpetrators really are.

In this case, they were attempting to lock someone up for decades in a case where the alleged victims didn't even want the perpetrator prosecuted.

I encourage her to delete this post and initiate a criminal trial in order to hold the perpetrator accountable.

If I were the aforementioned company I'd cut my losses and terminate the employee for bad PR. Now the OP has potentially hurt the suspected perpetrator's family based on actions his family is probably not even familiar with.

The quality metric that police work towards is not finding the actual perpetrator, it is finding someone who can be convicted, or, even better, strongarmed into confessing and/or accepting a plea bargain.

If I was working on a game for years, only to find out someone broke into my network, planted keyloggers on lots of my computers, and stole all of the source code for my game, I'd be interested in arresting the perpetrator as well.

What if religious organisations don't make the world a whole lot better, but not really much worse either?If you'd plot out all commited atrocities in history against the strength of the perpetrator's religious beliefs, would we find correlations?Let's do a little thought experiment, and map some evil-doers to their being reli-nuts or not: Osama YES, Hitler NO, the crusadors YES, Genghis Khan NO.

Perpetrator definitions


someone who perpetrates wrongdoing

See also: culprit