Fluke in a sentence as a noun

We've now been married 27 years ... I hope it's not a fluke!

Was this a fluke or is Apple losing ground?

"...a certainty of three sigma, so theres about one chance in 100 the result is a fluke.

It just does, by coincidence, for nowSo you're saying its just a fluke that IE9+ supports the same standards as Firefox and Chrome?

On the frontier, the difference between a promising sign and a statistical fluke is small.

So there isn't a 3% chance the result "is a fluke," if by "is a fluke" we mean the coin really is fair AND the coin flipped in a surprising way.

Maybe this is just the kind of fluke accident that will happen sometimes when you have ten thousand airliners in the sky every day.

If memristors do as well as bubble memory, there will have to be a serious fluke for it not to replace everything on the market.

If we assume that changing passwords more frequently means that we are more likely to use more rememberable - and, thus, more guessable - passwords, then perhaps this is not a fluke.

I know a lot of folks want to believe Apple's success has just been some amazing fluke thus must end soon but there's really no indication out there the market has changed much since the original iPod.

They have 4 versions of a single game "Star Traders RPG".I wouldn't look at update frequency or an algo fluke as the culprit, but look how I could remedy this apparent repetition, both in game versions and game descriptions.

Consider the enormous effort spent to show that the result was not some background fluke - two separate detectors, running 2 completely different means of detection, each with their own sets of computer programs verifying the results.

It also curbs the brand of extortion, so routine in American law as almost to have lost its ethical *****, by which lawyers use the costs of the process itself, or the risk of a fluke outcome found in any trial, to strong-arm their opponents into settlement.

Fluke definitions


a stroke of luck


a barb on a harpoon or arrow


flat bladelike projection on the arm of an anchor

See also: flue


either of the two lobes of the tail of a cetacean


parasitic flatworms having external suckers for attaching to a host

See also: trematode