Criticism in a sentence as a noun

Agreed; the criticism here is way too harsh.

First, its not clear that this criticism is Times specific.

"There is no possible way that Google can implement it that won't endlessly earn them criticism, such as this piece.

I think this is a completely valid criticism, and it's one I largely expected.

Its reaching opens it to much criticism, and rightfully so, but I appreciate it for its ambition.

IOS 7 has made it apparent which bloggers are unable or unwilling to be fair in their criticism when it comes to Apple.

All that leads to is cold, harsh discourse and criticism without considering the more abstract, but very real ways humans feel and behave.

Still, the compiler performance in Scala is perhaps my chief criticism, though hardly a show-stopper.

But there's something about the negativity and criticism here that grates on me more than on other sites.

And I'm not talking about criticism, I'm talking about needless mean, shitty behavior that gets repeated and defended all too often.

Here's something that was intended as constructive criticism, but maybe ended up more as just criticism:Removing the key signature is not a good idea.

Third, it undermines genuine gender equality - if people are concerned about their criticisms being perceived as sexist they will refrain from open and honest critique which is the hallmark of colleagues and equals.

Do you really think "bringing transparency to the food industry", or the thousands of other startups that go through YC, are even relevant given the reality of the US police state?This has been my biggest criticism of "Hacker" culture.

I personally think a lot of criticisms leveled against Java's verbosity and inflexibility are unfair, by virtue of the following: Many incredibly successful and complex open source projects are written in Java.

Examples are the mathematical notations of various disciplines, the jargon-laden meta-language of historical theory/literary criticism, and what is popularly known as 'legalese'.

Criticism definitions


disapproval expressed by pointing out faults or shortcomings; "the senator received severe criticism from his opponent"


a serious examination and judgment of something; "constructive criticism is always appreciated"

See also: critique


a written evaluation of a work of literature