Contender in a sentence as a noun

Could "changing the world" be a contender the most trite, overused expression of 2013?

He is a very legitimate contender for person of the year.

Bezos is a contender for the best manager of my generation.

For product information and reviews, but an obvious contender is the breadcrumb.

A serious contender to De Beers emerged in the early 2000s in the form of a multinational, "breakaway" cartel.

If you do this while providing superior image quality and supporting better forms of user input, you have a contender.

When I use it, I get the sense that Microsoft paid close attention to the things users hate about Android and iOS. If they can resist feature creep and retain their focus on simplicity and security, they might have a real contender.

If those things are resolved the next generation of Pixel could be a serious contender, as a piece of hardware, to any of Apple's offerings.

Combine that with a well-documented history of poor customer service and some dubious terms last time we checked, and for us they're not a serious contender.

Solid contender for most-unfortunately-timed post of the week.

The fact that it is really the only contender that can preform the same role as C, but it folds in lots of the language design theory of the past three decades puts it in a league of its own.

I'll skip over the whole history but just say this: if decisions had been made on merit rather than rank, Google+ Games could have been something, and if it had, Google+ would have become an actual contender in the social space.

Really, you felt you had to brand it just to compete with "Retina display".Despite all this the tablet might actually be good, and seeing another quality tablet contender is always good for competition.

Agreed that sounds like ********, but assuming they did in fact plan to win the vote in a way which looks exactly like cheating but which turns out to be unorthodox but legitimate, we've got an early contender for marketing gambit of the year.

Contender definitions


the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"

See also: rival challenger competitor competition