Pixel in a sentence as a noun

Here you might want to do a bit of pixel fiddling, but it should be subtle, and filtered.

Don't just go and plunk down a single pixel color change, or a flat color.

Fire-up photoshop and make a pattern of black and white lines one pixel wide.

To pretend the px unit has no relationship to actual pixels is to waste all of this work.

All that laborious pixel fitting is simply going to make your image "ring" like a bell if you don't do the other stuff.

Altenatively, just think of 1px as a monitor pixel.

You could be lax about button colors matching exactly, or per-pixel sharpness on the map and buttons.

With local illumination, for each pixel, you figure out what object you're looking at, and where on that object.

Details, regardless of how pixel-perfect they are, do blur upon quick glance, and the more details there are, the more it looks like a gray blob.

When asked how much he would've charged for a license, Maisel told his lawyer that he would never have granted a license for the pixel art.

On a printer, where there is no "pixel" worth anchoring to, the units are typically anchored to physical units, and width: 1cm really does mean 1cm.

Scrolling is a mechanism for micro-managing the position of content at a pixel level.

Mostly because the Linux desktop market has been such a small part of the whole desktop market as to barely merit a full pixel width in a pie chart of desktop OSes.

He micro-manages every single pixel of Amazon's retail site.

The reason that on your monitor screen 1cm is not 1 real cm is because your browser is resizing everything - it's bending over backwards to make 1px match the screen pixel size!

I have absolutely no reason to ever use this but I'm absolutely going to throw money at the author because I'm a sucker for pixel art and this looks incredible.

" The pixelated version was incredibly appropriate for a chiptune tribute and anyone that claims to care about art should applaud such a use of an imitation, mockup or inspired work.

Here's an ironic aside about the lengths people have gone to to make 1px correspond as closely as possible to a real pixel: As you say, 'marking a button as "width: 1cm" will almost never render something over 1cm of the screen geometry'.

Larry would do these big usability studies and demonstrate beyond any shred of doubt that nobody can understand that frigging website, but Bezos just couldn't let go of those pixels, all those millions of semantics-packed pixels on the landing page.

This statement is just not true!The CSS px unit was carefully designed to embody as closely as possible the intuitive concept of a "monitor pixel", while retaining sufficient flexibility to allow implementors to accommodate a wide range of devices.

"With this in mind, I am certain you can understand that he felt violated to find his image of Miles Davis, one of his most well-known and highly-regarded images, had been pixellated , without his permission, and used in a number of forms including on several websites accessible around the world.

The patent is using the correct term, and it even does a very good job of explaining what it means:> A particular characteristic of display components that may affect presentations rendered thereupon is the pixel density of the display component, such as a pixels-per-centimeter measurement.

These features all differentiate gifs from 2010-mainstream forms of embedded video like Youtube: - starts playing automatically\n - loops seamlessly\n - never has sound\n - no logos or buttons like "share" and "embed"\n - no scrubber bar on the bottom\n - repeated instances of the same gif play back in lockstep\n - no frame around it\n - pixel-perfect control\n\nAll these features make it possible to create art that wouldn't work with embedded video.

Pixel definitions


(computer science) the smallest discrete component of an image or picture on a CRT screen (usually a colored dot); "the greater the number of pixels per inch the greater the resolution"