Challenger in a sentence as a noun

If the challenger is very, very lucky, the Supreme Court will have time to hear the case.

The question's been asked "can a company die without an obvious challenger?

We now have a serious challenger in the race to one-up MunchOnMe for most face-palmingly bad start-up name.

Senior engineers are pulled off other projects and brought together on one team, first to catch-up to the new challenger and then to surpass it.

If there is, why is its number one priority not fielding a decent primary challenger to oust this authoritarian disgrace to our state?

Amash is a Tea Party libertarian up for re-election every two years, had no primary challenger in 2012 and it is unlikely he'll be primary challenged next cycle either.

Challenger definitions


the contestant you hope to defeat; "he had respect for his rivals"; "he wanted to know what the competition was doing"

See also: rival competitor competition contender