Conjure in a sentence as a verb

"Sounds to me like the author is trying hard to conjure up a problem.

You can't really conjure up an empty casket.

You can conjure demons, speak arcane words to them, and the problems just go away.

When you conjure up the NSA, your average layperson will shrug and say "I have nothing to hide from them.

If yes, conjure up a backstory, and write up a post in a confident, assertive tone, that closes with the graph as your "care to explain this?!

This highlights part of the HN/YC culture that just doesn't resonate with me at all. I like coming up with creative ideas and working on fun stuff, but it seems totally backwards to me to repeatedly try to conjure a startup out of thin air in the hopes of getting funded.

Unlike other forms of fair use, a fairly extensive use of the original work is permitted in a parody in order to conjure up the original.

With even an hour to react, it is quite possible he would be able to conjure up something that would end up in the whole endeavor delivering the ring to him, instead of destroying it.

Unless you're going to tell me that 'fsck' was intentionally named to conjure up the idea of the word '****' when mentioned, your example is completely unrelated and only a red herring.

Hey, I can conjure up random pithy quotes too:"The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world, usually fail to do so.""The people who don't think they can change the world, sometimes do anyway.

One by one he would conjure up the worlds major electronic papers; he knew the codes of the more important ones by heart, and had no need to consult the list on the back of his pad. Switching to the display unit's short-term memory, he would hold the front page while he quickly searched the headlines and noted the items that interested him.

Some assemblers provide a "conjure this value" pseudo-operation where the assembler will choose what it thinks is the best option to materialize a constant; that way the programmer doesn't need to worry about these details.

Speaking only with regards to engineering marketing outcomes: allowing people to trivially conjure Bitcoins out of the ether early in the lifecycle, then making them increasingly dear, is a good way to engineer having a base of committed evangelists.

Conjure definitions


summon into action or bring into existence, often as if by magic; "raise the specter of unemployment"; "he conjured wild birds in the air"; "call down the spirits from the mountain"


ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"

See also: beseech entreat adjure press


engage in plotting or enter into a conspiracy, swear together; "They conspired to overthrow the government"

See also: conspire cabal complot machinate