Entreat in a sentence as a verb

They entreat us to think with nuance on the issue.

I would entreat you to not be afraid of Golang.

So your answer to my entreaty is "no", then?

I entreat you to definitely, without a question, leave and start your own thing.

We are fools for Christ's sake [...] when reviled, we bless; when persecuted, we endure; when slandered, we entreat.

In either case, Americans found that they hadn't been armed enough, and later had to entreat with France for more arms to be provided.

Nearly every other service or product I purchase entreats me with a satisfaction survey at some point.

I entreat those who pass by here to drink in my own following opinion: I think you're operating from the democratic ideal that "all people will opine equally about all topics at all times.

Is this a subtle entreaty to focus the brunt of America's educational efforts on specific ethnic subgroups so that the entire nation can have better results?Instead of blindly downvoting, I really am interested in the point of this statement.

Entreat definitions


ask for or request earnestly; "The prophet bid all people to become good persons"

See also: beseech adjure press conjure