Comedy in a sentence as a noun

#74 'Seinfeld' - considered the 3rd best TV comedy of all time.

Would make a good movie plot for a Hollywood bromance style comedy.

If they wanted stand-up comedy we've got lots of skilled comedians.

It's why self deprecation is so common in writing and comedy.

Pretty weird considering that it's considered the 2nd best TV comedy of all time.

This lawsuit may be the first piece of original comedy to have been produced by funnyjunk.

I work hard, but I also spend a lot of time pursuing other interests such as yoga, swing dancing, and improv comedy.

I would just like to remind the innovators and disrupters among you that Red Dwarf was meant to be comedy, a parody of trends in society and technology, and not a prescription for the future.

However I'm trying to imagine the author describing a Louis CK comedy set, a dirty comic I find hilarious, and I'm fairly sure he could ruin that in short order, so I'll hold off on my judgements.

The subject is standard fodder for comedy, and an uncooperative suspect being threatened with rape in prison is now represented, every night on television, as an ordinary and rather lovable bit of policing.

Comedy definitions


light and humorous drama with a happy ending


a comic incident or series of incidents

See also: drollery clowning funniness