Aging in a sentence as a noun

It's wrong that people are huge dicks to women about aging.

All the people that got into writing software back then are aging and most that I know aren't planning to stop.

Maybe I want to buy my aging mother a new house, and I don't want to wait for a bloody IPO, I want to do it now.

Instead, both men say, they are working to ameliorate the diseases of aging.

'Curing aging is not an endpoint the federal drug agency would recognize,' Dr. Westphal says dryly.

These days, with largers monitors, I use a 24 inch, at an appropriate distance, I don't need any filtering than my own aging eyes.

> That's because nearly all research into healthy aging has found that the key to a long, happy life is not diet or exercise but strong social connections – that is, friendships.

If teens are aging themselves out of the "teen" category and the younger generation isn't signing up to fill their place, that's not the same as "leaving" Facebook.

Aging in a sentence as an adjective

The answer is buried in this New York Times article on Sirtris: "Dr. Westphal and Mr. Sinclair stress that they are not working to 'cure' aging, a condition that, so far at least, is common to all humanity and that most physicians do not consider a disease.

As someone who fears ageism and my role as a hacker in light of the aging process, I am taking his post to be a beacon of light and hope, not anything resembling a '******'.

I'd like to help!Discourse isn't for making places like hackernews, where a playful, sometimes discouraging culture of dickitude is acceptable and encouraged.

The body can be considered as a system of many redundant components, with aging as the result of progressive unrepaired damage to those components.

Finally, Aubrey De Grey's unapologetically straightforward logic [1] regarding aging has gained traction with the crowd who has the means to tackle this grand challenge.

Therefore you cannot legally, commercially treat aging in the US, as aging is not recognized by the FDA as a disease, and there is no path towards reversing that situation.

"Crime experts who attribute the drop in killings to better policing or an aging population fail to square the image of a more tranquil nation with this statistic: The reported number of people treated for gunshot attacks from 2001 to 2011 has grown by nearly half.. .

"The aging x86 architecture is beset by layers of architectural silt accreted from a succession of additions to the instruction set... Because of this excess baggage, an x86 chip needs more transistors than its ARM-based equivalent"I wish people would stop saying this.

Aging definitions


acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time

See also: ripening ageing


the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age

See also: ageing senescence


growing old

See also: ageing senescent