Ageing in a sentence as a noun

I worry about my kids, and my wife, and my ageing parents. I'm sleeping constantly, but when I sleep my dreams are too vivid.

It is hard to remain flexible as an adult, we can fall into the many 'slowdown' traps of ageing. If one doesn't, one can 'kick ***'.

I suggest you sign up for cryonics, or donate to an anti-ageing research program. You may think counting actual lines of code is not fair, but what else?

The demographics are already changing and ageing. The key thing I have taken away from deleting my account t is much like yourself.

On park benches etc keeping communal equipment from ageing. The whole cleaning industry could be changed.

Uk/news/health-25445748, explains that this could never be a cure-all for ageing. Other aspects such as shortening of telomeres or damage to DNA would not be reversed.

I think the concern is an ageing population rather than a shrinking one. Too many older people, no longer working, who need care or support and not enough younger people to provide it.

Ageing in a sentence as an adjective

The quoted lifetime is 500 years, accelerated ageing tests indicate 1000 years. So the books probably wont be readable.

If you sign up for membership they promise to put your sons through school and pay for healthcare of any ageing/poorly relatives. If you're in a lot of debt or in any other sort of trouble, they promise to handle these things for you if you commit to them.

So the West is being crushed by the weight of supporting an ageing population from a system established at a time retirement was a rarity. Add to this to overall trend of the last century has been one of urbanization.

For some people, ageing is a problem and they will spend lots of money to alleviate the symptoms, and to prevent a "premature" death. There are many companies who will invest lots of money in an effort to capture this segment of the population.

This part caught my interest:\n "Holstege says the results raise the possibility of rejuvenating ageing bodies with re-injections of stem cells saved from birth or early life. These stem cells would be substantially free of mutations and have full-length telomeres."

That's a well known ageing process. The lens of the eye is an elastic body that bounces back to a more spherical form if you focus on something in the near, but over the years the material becomes less and less elastic, so the nearest point you can focus on moves further and further away.

Ageing definitions


acquiring desirable qualities by being left undisturbed for some time

See also: ripening aging


the organic process of growing older and showing the effects of increasing age

See also: aging senescence


growing old

See also: aging senescent