Achieve in a sentence as a verb

That's good news, because "nothing" is an easy state to achieve.

Do you have to be programming demigod to achieve it?

I hope the FAQ information below helps hackers achieve their dreams.

The ideals of this country aren't an end-state; they're a goal that we will constantly struggle to achieve.

" Now they are going to achieve the same thing, "Get the car lifted off the street" but it's not about them, its about getting what is needed to be done, actually done.

9-11 inspired terror because there was nothing to fight back against--it was people who were quite demonstrably willing to get killed in order to achieve their objective.

I saw many of the same things James did, and I hear Marissa's 'call to arms' about Social and said to myself "If she can't say what it is, how can she expect the troops to achieve it?

General purpose computers achieve good economics by limiting memory and I/O bandwidth to stuff that will fit in a single piece of silicon.

In that section of that book, I found this passage, "Fluency in reading can only be achieved by extensive practice on all the interrelated aspects of the reading process.

The genius of the American political and economic system is that people who desire money more than they desire deep understanding can often achieve that goal.

So I pushed on them "why this strict timing" and after many signed documents and stuff I don't really want to know I showed them we could build a device driver interface that allowed them to achieve their needed result.

Nothing that Watson learned from the Urban Dictionary could possibly be any dirtier than what I hear from enterprise people all the time:"We use our deep subject matter expertise to deliver value through actionable advice that enables our clients to harness the power of best practices in order to shift their paradigms and achieve 10X deltas against competitive industry metrics.

Achieve definitions


to gain with effort; "she achieved her goal despite setbacks"

See also: accomplish attain reach