Trot in a sentence as a noun

" trope the NYT likes to trot out is ********.

Time to trot out gprof, the Gnu profiler.

Its too easy to trot out the usual tired incorrect tropes.

Aw c'mon, at least read the article and don't trot out a knee-jerk argument.

If the C# code now has the option of banging on SSE then I'm not sure it'll even be worth trying to trot out C++.

But you can't trot out the pyramid of refutation when they've made your central point vacuous.

It always seems a bit artificial when people trot out "middlebrow dismissal", but geez...

Trot in a sentence as a verb

Are most of the people who own a Glass using it regularly, or are they only trotting it out when it'll be cool to show people?

My blood boils every time I read it as it is the most disingenuous, calculated, shallow tripe you can trot out when you **** up.

I would trot out this exact same reasoning to a client that came to me with a "spec" or set of "requirements" and who offered to start paying me immediately to code a solution.

"an industry that provides little value to society" Whilst this is a nice popular statement to trot out in the current climate, it is simply not true, at least not in fiscal terms.

Is it of any value for people to constantly parrot the nonsensical "parts of a whole are worthless" prattle?I fully understand what people think they mean when they trot it out, and that is why I think it is garbage.

But it does feel tbat a person must be deliberately trollin when they trot out the same tired ******** that other idiots spout, especially when that ******** has been debunked on the same forum that they're posting to and when it is so easy to debunk with a simple websearch.

You can trot out the trope about how you can write good code or bad code in any language as many times as you wish but it will not change the fact that php makes it unnecessarily difficult to write good code and, through both the language's and its standard library's misfeatures as well as the surrounding culture of sloppiness, encourages writing bad code.

Trot definitions


a slow pace of running

See also: lope


radicals who support Trotsky's theory that socialism must be established throughout the world by continuing revolution

See also: Trotskyite Trotskyist Trot


a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

See also: pony crib


a gait faster than a walk; diagonally opposite legs strike the ground together


run at a moderately swift pace

See also: clip


ride at a trot


cause to trot; "She trotted the horse home"