Crib in a sentence as a noun

You can see my actual handwriting in the "crib sheet" cell at the end.

So the next time the child hurts herself, just try the crib state transition again.

Inside the unit, he saw a couple passed out on the couch, and a baby screaming in his crib.

Here's an intro "crib sheet"Your application believes that it has all the RAM to itself.

Whole chapters can seem like lightly-edited crib notes.

The attack he's describing is called "crib dragging" and implies that an attacker has access to plaintext.

Presumably the writers read a bunch of stuff on the topic and essentially write crib notes.

Crib in a sentence as a verb

Internet of Things is neat, and fascinating, but articles like this may very well smother it in its crib.

Here's a fun thought experiment: find the first "good" encryption method you could crib from off of a simple Google search, and provide the Google search that found it.

I'm going to crib from my own post from two days ago:Donations don't literally buy votes, but what they do literally buy is face time.

To crib from Andrew Plotkin, there are only two reviews of Apple products:"Nothing new, no one will buy it"and"It's too radical, no one will buy it"

You similarly can't crib about differences in Android skins if you bought into a diverse ecosystem.

There's absolutely no reason that one of the major search companies couldn't have focused their resources on search, come up with something similar to PageRank, and smothered Google in the crib.

If you read four-hour work week he basically describes his process, which is that he develops the headline structure for the book and each chapter and then outsources the actual writing online via elance or equivalent.

Crib definitions


baby bed with high sides made of slats


a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

See also: pony trot


a bin or granary for storing grains


the cards discarded by players at cribbage


a card game (usually for two players) in which each player is dealt six cards and discards one or two

See also: cribbage


use a crib, as in an exam


take unauthorized (intellectual material)


line with beams or planks; "crib a construction hole"