Pony in a sentence as a noun

He was a one trick pony who did nothing but cut, cut, cut.

You didnt need to realize it was a "one trick pony".

So why can't you pony up the money for your huge, high-traffic website?

Why are we comparing Microsoft to RIM?RIM was a one trick pony.

If you're willing to pony up for cable TV + a HBO subscription, you're able to watch Game of Thrones the instant it comes out.

It's possible Google was muscled out of the Whatsapp deal simply because they couldn't pony up the money.

I reply, okay, sure, can you pony up the necessary $10 million?And then the independent laboratory finds a suspicious anomaly.

The supposed benefits of competition haven't materialized - we're paying the same for electricity now as we did when all electricity was a single regulated monopoly on an inflation-adjusted basis, only now no private investor will pony up for capital investment projects so we keep building cheap crappy power plants.

Pony definitions


a range horse of the western United States


an informal term for a racehorse; "he liked to bet on the ponies"


a literal translation used in studying a foreign language (often used illicitly)

See also: trot crib


a small glass adequate to hold a single swallow of whiskey

See also: jigger


any of various breeds of small gentle horses usually less than five feet high at the shoulder