Trope in a sentence as a noun

A trope that refuses to die: "It’s been an incredible journey".

Much better that we all recite this message board trope than talk about golang.

"This stinks of the standard urban legend trope structure, and with that in mind, I don't think it's true.

The idea that he just took other peoples' ideas and marketed them is the same old trope.

Publishers are a dying species like music labels are, as in not at all and only as a techie trope.

Abed sees everything in terms of television and film tropes.

But poetic doesn't mean true, and this particular trope abuses poetry for deceptive ends.

The continuing trope that it's "men who are sexist pigs" who are the problem rather than "people who persist in employing infantile pattern-matching in the face of conflicting evidence"?

Community makes a whole episode based on a trope or a genre, it doesnt just use paintball as a plot device it takes paintball seriously and bases two season finales around epic battles of paint.

This trope is getting exceedingly tired, on par with the "taxation is theft", "atheism is a religion" and "Linux should be called GNU/Linux" brigades that often crop up in the appropriate discussions.

It knows that we are knowledgeable about the things we love, it knows that we understand tropes and genre conventions, it gives us the benefit of the doubt and treats us as intelligent human beings who will not only understand the meta pop culture references, but will find them funny and love the show for it.

There are any number of ways we can think of for interstellar communication networks to exist and yet be undetectable by us at the moment, and then there are no doubt all the ways that we can't think of.- Agents responsible for the Fermi Paradox through suppression of nascent intelligence are a popular science fiction trope.

Its quite unbelievable how much it can optimize code written in a dynamically typed language like Scheme to give C code run for its money on speed for things like numerical integration etc. All those who keep chanting the trope that you need to get low level for speed, that high level languages cannot be fast, would do well to study it.

A journalistic and literary trope I increasingly despise: creating an elaborate and evocative metaphorical description of something without naming what it actually is, often with the side-effect of making a rather mundane technicality sound all gee-wiz and confusing rather than enlightening the reader.

Trope definitions


language used in a figurative or nonliteral sense

See also: figure image