Tripe in a sentence as a noun

" My god imagine listening to this self indulgent tripe at 1 am while keeping your cool.

Who is using circular logic again?Fowler seems like a nice guy, and I'm sure he likes puppies and ice cream and all of that, but this is tripe.

My blood boils every time I read it as it is the most disingenuous, calculated, shallow tripe you can trot out when you **** up.

It's apparently a moot point how tripe like this front-pages, but, with a little work, you can learn to quickly sift through **** like this and move on to meatier fare.

I clicked the article to read some insightful analysis and all I found was contentless tripe filled with blogspam and a non-sequitir title.

What paranoid tripe, complete with mass downvote conspiracy theory pandering.

You can't continue to hide your head in the sand and pretend that somehow some really cool tech will come along and save the day, so back to the Apple and SV gossip tripe.

There was an article on here yesterday that said something along the lines of "if you're older than 23 most startups won't even give you the time of day" or some tripe of the sort.

Tripe definitions


lining of the stomach of a ruminant (especially a bovine) used as food


nonsensical talk or writing

See also: folderol rubbish trumpery trash wish-wash applesauce codswallop