Applesauce in a sentence as a noun

There are days I wish I had someone to spoonfeed me applesauce and give me a warm bath, then put me down for a nap.

At O'Hare in Chicago, my wife had to throw out her applesauce that was sealed because it was over 3oz.

Trust me, if you run the math, its not magically turned into organic applesauce at year 10001...

Seeds orange apple apple Apple applesauce [rooty tooty fresh and fruity breakfast]

Yup, call it "Zoe's YouTube Band" and make every release under that, maybe add a slide whistle at the end of each track so it's unique, and BAM...applesauce...

Also, this article is bunk, saying, "if people can maintain an enzyme to digest lactoes, we should be able to evolve an enzyme to break down gluten too. "Total hoggerty poggerty applesauce!

Given the tangle of dependancies involved in a properly functioning human, why put focused effort into patching something as easily remediated as the inability to synthesize Vitamin C, given the opportunity for unforeseen side effects?I think he just doesn't want to eat his applesauce like a good wittle man.

Creepy, but I think we can make it more creepy:If you do this investment and the person takes out a life insurance policy on themselves, and they die, do you get 3% of the life insurance policy?Although, I dunno, isn't this what having children is for?You pay upkeep on them until maturity and when you are old and senile they pay to put you in a home and have you fed applesauce or whatever.

Applesauce definitions


puree of stewed apples usually sweetened and spiced


nonsensical talk or writing

See also: folderol rubbish tripe trumpery trash wish-wash codswallop