Codswallop in a sentence as a noun

But casting aspersions on ekr because of it is just codswallop.

It's well known that the trickle-down theory is utter codswallop.

There is some OK stuff in here but there is also a lot of codswallop and it's far too verbose, eg. make sure you learn Node, be sure to read this set of books.

"In other words, all the rest of the article, defending the Apple terms, is so much codswallop.

> Nothing is free on the internet anymoreThat's a load of codswallop, mate.

I don't know if you're quoting him, but "money and property as proxies for efficiency" is absolute codswallop.

I know the trope is that Intel people are all crew cut conservatives, but, like most Hollywood stereotypes, that is utter codswallop.

FYI Simon Singh has lost the last couple years of his life being sued by the UK's chiropractic association for telling the truth - ie, it's a load of codswallop.

> How do you feel about personality tests?The problem with the Myers-Briggs personality test is that it is codswallop.

I don't believe in that codswallop at all I was just offering an interpretation of what he might have meant, much like his interpretation of freedom.

The standard argument trotted out is that it's "up to the reader" to discern when they're being fed codswallop - because to tell them that they're reading nonsense would be an affront to their intelligence.

How does anyone belief this codswallop?Say I own a factory and it makes 100 million dollars gross per year and I have to pay my American workers 40 million dollars and the other running costs are 40 million.

Codswallop definitions


nonsensical talk or writing

See also: folderol rubbish tripe trumpery trash wish-wash applesauce