Trash in a sentence as a noun

My wife: "Will you take the trash out?

Who wants to touch a trashcan even when it's clean?

It was not a missed shot at the trash can, it was just blithely dropped on the floor.

"Tonight rolls by and the next day she tells me "You didn't take out the trash.

* I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly.

They throw their trash on the ground, or they find a nearby trashcan that doesn't require contact to use.

I can't prove this, but I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properly.

My dad's condo [edit: condo complex] in Sweden has 10+ different trash cans.

> I suspect that Bjarne would have discarded his own trash properlyEither that, or hold it forever.

Trash in a sentence as a verb

This is an acceptable excuse coming from someone who empties trash bins for a living.

Or did I have honest intentions of taking out the trash with circumstances getting in the way?

It's not unusual to see bags of trash sitting by these things with random garbage scattered around or on top of them.

In the *********** southern town where I grew up being a teacher at $35k/yr is considered one of the better jobs available.

TC has been a trash rag from the start, and their flaming dramatic burnout is just as trash as everything else they've ever published.

One fateful day, VMWare and OS/X conspired to trash my shared filesystem, losing several days of uncommitted code in the process.

But really, I'd prefer people know that I publicly praise good clients and trash bad ones, and if they think they're going to be a bad client, to not bother reaching out.

He will inevitably sue or trash your reputation because, in the end, it isn't possible to satisfy delusional clients.

But how many of these advances see their promise still born in a culture that pays more attention to recycling its trash than the people it discards on its streets?This winner-take-all/losers-get-ruin problem goes way beyond the business cycle.

Trash definitions


worthless material that is to be disposed of

See also: rubbish scrap


worthless people

See also: scum


nonsensical talk or writing

See also: folderol rubbish tripe trumpery wish-wash applesauce codswallop


an amphetamine derivative (trade name Methedrine) used in the form of a crystalline hydrochloride; used as a stimulant to the nervous system and as an appetite suppressant


dispose of (something useless or old); "trash these old chairs"; "junk an old car"; "scrap your old computer"

See also: junk scrap


express a totally negative opinion of; "The critics panned the performance"