Raging in a sentence as an adjective

The author of this post comes across as a raging jackass.

This is raging hindsight bias all over the place.

My reading of the first two emails is that Jobs was a raging ******* in every facet of life and business.

His post is basically one type of Hipster raging against the Hipsterisms of a different type of Hipster.

A long, pedantic, raging post that does nothing but demonstrate that the author has an inflated sense of his writing prowess.

Let me guess: at least one of those women was going to be a raging ***** and at least one of those guys was going to be a women-hating misogynist bro.

I hope you will get a chance to look into the Arabization aspects of the political debates raging in that part of the world.

Your page copy and the first few minutes of your video that I could sit through just tell me you are nerd raging over advertising on the internet.

In that vein, when somebody tells Linus:"You might have fun raging on the internet, but I think your goals would be better served if..."He rightly responds:"Umm. I think I've been able to reach my goals on the internet better than most people.

Everybody's talking about it as though everyone goes on a raging bender at work every evening.

At what level of infringement of individual liberty between "just a little" and "full on raging tyranny" is it acceptable to take notice and be seriously pissed off?

IMO it's all about working with smart, motivated people who can work independently without the raging ego to cross borders to expand their computational Lebensraum.

The author's immediate correlation of beer and "frat culture" is easily the most sexist thing I've read this week, and the implication that "raging hormones and inexperience" combined with an occasional afternoon beer automatically means I become a raging pervert bent on harassing any woman in sight is ludicrous.

Because she really is too touchy about this""she's raging over and reading so much into a statement that is, by normal standards, extremely neutral, leads me to believe that even if she has been directly accused of being too emotional in the past, then maybe there's something to the accusations""Playing the sexism card every time you run into a bad manager with a dysfunctional team seems like wasted effort to me.

Raging definitions


characterized by violent and forceful activity or movement; very intense; "the fighting became hot and heavy"; "a hot engagement"; "a raging battle"; "the river became a raging torrent"


very severe; "a raging thirst"; "a raging toothache"


(of the elements) as if showing violent anger; "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea"

See also: angry furious tempestuous wild