Hindsight in a sentence as a noun

In hindsight that was too cheap, I could have gone to 100/yr I suspect.

It fills such an obvious hole in hindsight.

The bad days are usually a lot less important in hindsight than they seem in the moment.

Of course in hindsight the narrative was ridiculous.

And in the future we'll look back in hindsight and say "I can't believe they didn't foresee it, all the signs were there.

Because the apps never did that well - not surprisingly in hindsight given the market size - we never updated them.

Where's the indignation and action over those?If we're going for hindsight here, the real question is where the **** were the major news outlets and where the **** were the American people?

Anyone can be the best money manager in hindsight.> the 3 employees we have today respect him a lot especially since he's an expertRespect is very important.

I'll give some common examples for laymen, but they may seem obvious in hindsight:Programming a very rudimentary "snake" computer game is [using] using Algebra.

It will be laugh-out-loud unexpected when it comes, seem obvious in hindsight, and be one of the few things ever invented that might deserve a patent monopoly to be granted for a small handful of years.

Hindsight definitions


understanding the nature of an event after it has happened; "hindsight is always better than foresight"