Angry in a sentence as an adjective

This comment makes me so angry that it is difficult to remain calm, but I will try.

If you read through the comments there's a lot of angry users demanding refunds and questioning the service.

I can not remember when something similar made me that angry as the current conduct of the US does.

If you or anyone else drops the ball the angry customer is right there, including the angry wait staff and angry team mates.

See this childish engineer who was rejected by Horvath became angry at her and started ripping her code out.

SF may have drastically improved in the presence of competition, but it's no surprise that some people are still angry.

This is why I get very angry whenever somebody calls Stallman a nut. He's not a nut. He's a visionary; albeit a very pessimistic and dystopian one.

Asher, Greg, and all the other people mentioned in this post are successful, highly respected members of the indie game dev community - not a bunch of guys who are angry for whatever silly reason.

Random, seemingly unrelated application starts failing or angry customer calls wondering why some feature is no longer available.

Unfortunately, the public doesn't understand why privacy is important, and Americans aren't nearly angry enough for Congress to do anything more substantial than the Freedom Act.

If she's too tough she's marked as an "angry *****" and will get rejected, if she's not perfectly competent in areas far outside of her job function, she'll be marked as "stupid" and get rejected, etc. etc. Cultivating authority, for a woman, requires a degree of careful presentation and balance that is very hard to do and most men don't have to deal with.

I've worked for some very good women bosses and a women CEO and I admired their ability to find that balance and presentation style that gave them command without them appearing as an "angry *****" or "stupid".I've also worked with some women that couldn't find that balance, they weren't really doing anything a reasonably competent man wouldn't do, but were marked with gendered epithets and eventually driven from their job.

Angry definitions


feeling or showing anger; "angry at the weather"; "angry customers"; "an angry silence"; "sending angry letters to the papers"


(of the elements) as if showing violent anger; "angry clouds on the horizon"; "furious winds"; "the raging sea"

See also: furious raging tempestuous wild


severely inflamed and painful; "an angry sore"