Misogynist in a sentence as a noun

But dont call me a misogynist: I love women.

If men were to say the same thing, but reversed, we would be labeled as "sexist" or a "misogynist".

And let me tell you, far and away the tech industry folk have been the least misogynistic I have ever had to deal with.

Usually, the misogynist stick is used to say, youre not being politically correct.

Let me guess: at least one of those women was going to be a raging ***** and at least one of those guys was going to be a women-hating misogynist bro.

The "controversial" apps from the techcrunch disrupt hackathon weren't really "misogynist", so much as in bad taste.

Unfortunately, you really have a number of extremely vocal, misogynist trolls out there.

All developers are not misogynist assholes; quite the opposite, the vast majority I've worked with have been pleasant and awesome.

If you talk about the effects societal norms have on victims, or on strategies to navigate a misogynistic world, people will accuse you of "victim blaming".

Unless you are some kind of hardcore misogynist, fixing them will have generally positive side effects for everybody.

" they would simply be accused of being sexist or even misogynist rather than fair-minded, or intrinsically motivated.

Racist/sexist/misogynist/homophobic behavior is racist/sexist/misogynist/homophobic, and 4chan is full of it, on a scale that no non-anonymous forum would ever be.

Demanding stronger sexual harassment laws is a legitimate request, but trying to paint the tech community as misogynist because of some random bar encounter is in my opinion unacceptable.

I firmly believe that if next year the tech industry was 55% female and females received 55% of funding and salaries, feminists would point to that as evidence that the patriarchy is purposefully giving things to women to hide the fact that they're all misogynist pigs.

Misogynist definitions


a misanthrope who dislikes women in particular