Irritability in a sentence as a noun

Anyway, here I am explaining how I would go about it and there seemed to be a sense of irritability from the interviewer.

While on the other hand, "High doses may cause aggressiveness, irritability, trouble sleeping, and the growth of body or facial hair on women.

My father doesn't display really any of the daytime symptoms, irritability, chest pain, hyper-vigilance, etc.

If I spend too much time in traditionally extroverted activities I start to get fuzzy-headed and show signs of fatigue, then irritability and stress.

This is why the known side-effects include anxiety, headaches, insomnia or irritability.

Depression, irritability, and resentment are not positive qualities in producing working code or customer engagement.

Instantly solved weight gain, insomnia, irritability, migranes, sickness, concentration problems and bowel problems.

From your own article:"The drug's letdown can include feelings of confusion, irritability, anxiety, paranoia and depression, and people may experience memory loss or sleep problems, jaundice or liver damage."And:"Dr.

Just like it sounds weird in isolation to say that being sexually maturing is often connected with irritability and rebellion and defiance against parental and authority figures, if it were not for the fact that this is an incredibly common phenomenon.

"In addition to familiar depression symptoms such as sadness, difficulty sleeping, feelings of guilt or worthlessness and loss of interest in pleasurable activities, the researchers expanded the list to include anger attacks, aggression or irritability, substance abuse, risk-taking behavior and hyperactivity.

Not exercising is correlated with:- Not sleeping well- Feeling anxious more frequently- Lack of focus- Lack of motivation- More difficulty following complex problem/solutions- General irritabilityAfter this next deadline in a week, I'm renewing my commitment to exercise and putting it in the non-negotiable list of things to do everyday.

Irritability definitions


an irritable petulant feeling

See also: crossness fretfulness fussiness peevishness petulance choler


excessive sensitivity of an organ or body part

See also: excitability


a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger; "his temper was well known to all his employees"

See also: temper biliousness peevishness pettishness snappishness surliness