Petulance in a sentence as a noun

Instead, he let petulance leak into what could have been a thoughtful post, turning it into a rant.

I think, trying to read through the pettiness and petulance of it all, that Marco has a fine point to be argued.

Call it entitlement or petulance; that's a fair criticism.

They ignore us because all of our complaining is petulance -- it's not a substitute for action.

I'm no MS fan, but I haven't heard of any particular ire pointed at them for anything, much less the troubles Greece is going through now. Was this just a wanton act of petulance?

But for god-only-knows what reason - I'm not ruling out petulance because they'd be losing tax breaks - some of the member states vetoed this.

This competition, and not some kind of petulance or laziness or addled philosophy, is what keeps readers from shelling out for news.

It's worth noting that Levison may not have been handing over written keys as an act of protest/petulance/whatever, but as a delaying tactic.

Point out the petulance and inconsistency of astronomers?

Anyone can be productive for a week. Anyone can avoid teamicidal petulance for a week. Anyone can avoid making catastrophic design choices that won't be apparent until after you ship for... well, &c &c.

Same error here as well, also behind a corporate firewall, it's usually fairly well behaved but if it doesn't understand something it's sometimes prone to petulance.

He exhibited petulance, short temper, violence, and extremism.

Additionally despite using what was the .com boom environment of the late 90s and early 2000s to generate his wealth I believe he has renounced his US citizenship and lives abroad now. I don’t care that he did that really, it just seems that his public persona is a bit of an act and hides a bit of entitlement/petulance.

The US system has judges elected, where the british and commonwealth system is by appointment, and few would argue that the mentally ill are not well represented in both their ranks, but there is a level of petulance in some of them that indicates risk of a total compromise of the institution.

Petulance definitions


an irritable petulant feeling

See also: irritability crossness fretfulness fussiness peevishness choler