Insomnia in a sentence as a noun

Jailbreak \n\nI tried not using my phone for 1 hours before bed, still had insomnia.

It was 3am, had insomnia for some reason and saw the episode "Gay!

Many people with insomnia worry about it or try to fix what might not be broken.

Did I have some other sleep disorder, maybe one that produced insomnia as just a symptom?

So you're arguing that obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress, and insomnia cause long commutes?

This is one of the major signs of true delayed sleep phase disorder as opposed to psychological or chemical insomnia.

I haven't had real insomnia for about a year and a half now, except earlier this week --- I had reinstalled my laptop and forgotten to add Flux as a startup item.

""Long commutes cause obesity, neck pain, loneliness, divorce, stress, and insomnia.

However, I used to think I had a "gift" of being really creative and having my best ideas just before sleep, just waking up, and during insomnia episodes.

This appears to have an interesting implication for FFI [1], a mysterious genetic disease that causes complete insomnia in adults and results in death.

For example, those using ********* to treat cachexia generally need a higher dose than those treating anxiety or insomnia.

Does organic almond butter on celery sticks actually repeatably reduce insomnia?

In unrelated news, doctors announced unprecedented drops in the number of 20-40 year olds suffering from migraine headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, depression and insomnia.

Proper Noun Examples for Insomnia

Go to an insomnia board, and when someone complains of being tired, just say "Insomnia is because you don't get enough sleep.

Insomnia definitions


an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness