Peevishness in a sentence as a noun

There's nothing substantive hereā€”just peevishness, and an implied desire to see others fail.

It's first attested in the 14th century and has been a subject of linguistic peevishness since the 1800s.

This colors whatever good points he may have with an aura of something like entitled peevishness.

Excuse my peevishness, but your attitude is typical of programmers who decide to dabble in "nice formatting".

Bobby is entitled to his own work, and an aura of 'peevishness' is more than appropriate when faced with someone who is trying to dishonestly bully him out of it.

--Thus soothed at home, thus busy in the field, To no perverse suspicion he gave way, No languor, peevishness, nor vain complaint: And they, who were about him, did not fail In reverence, or in courtesy; they prized His gentle manners: and his peaceful smiles, The gleams of his slow-varying countenance, Were met with answering sympathy and love.

Peevishness definitions


an irritable petulant feeling

See also: irritability crossness fretfulness fussiness petulance choler


a disposition to exhibit uncontrolled anger; "his temper was well known to all his employees"

See also: temper biliousness irritability pettishness snappishness surliness